Monday, November 06, 2006

Ready, Set, Go!

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone…The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.
--Lin Yutang

Mondays are good days to get your week organized, target your hits, and lay out your plan for accomplishing what needs to be accomplished. Actually, this process should start on Sunday evenings, in preparation for the week ahead. But it also requires a process of elimination to accomplish goals. There are some things you cannot—will not—be able to complete. Curve balls, interruptions, and unknown factors that disturb or distort your plan will always crop up.

When those things happen, the best course of action is to go around the obstacle, if you can, in order to stay on track for your primary goals. How many of those less-important details might be better handled by delegating to others, or simply sliding down the scale of your list of priorities?

There will be interruptions, changes in direction from your boss…changes in direction from your customers. Take them in stride. Anticipate as many of them as you can, and have a contingency plan in place…just in case.

Our motto behind the scenes at the Brent Clanton Show is “semper Gumby…” always flexible.

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